Thursday, January 31, 2013



     Today in society social medias hold great influence, if not complete control in some cases, on our life's. In our every growing and advancing life's social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace have grown to be a thing of normalcy and complacence, but the question that begs to be answered is when is it to much?
     When we spend more time interacting with people on Facebook rather than real life, when we're inside in the dark trolling friends online rather than enjoying the outdoors, when we let the content of theses sites to greatly affect our moods or decisions when they should clearly stay where they are on the Internet. Recently a study was conducted by Humboldt University in Berlin and Technical University in Demisted on the effects of Facebook on our moods, one effect observed within this study was how "women were more likely to obsess over physical appearance and social standing" in response to others posts or comments. In my personal experience this is especially true, I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen a fight break out because of something someone said on Facebook or because they were jealous of their looks in pictures they had taken and posted on Facebook.

    While it's true envy is a natural thing, but people who are so engrossed by these social networks it becomes worse according to the study. Also another interesting detail came up during this study on how those who read through others post but never really posted them selves began to show signs of depression. This is defiantly when you know that you've past the point of too much and should take a few steps back into non-digitized reality. Spending so much time following the life's of others of course they're depressed, there not out living their own lives. So while social networking is alright in moderation, we mustn't let it dictate our lives and instead go out and live them ourselves.

     Everyone can relate to this article because most teenagers my age go on social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace and some times you can see a girl/boy that is more attrative then you are and it can lower your self esstem and when that happens, somtimes it can lead to other unheathly things. 
     Facebook and other social networking cant hurt everyone, even drive them to suicide, like in some cases. Hurting people for your own good is wrong and that is when I think it becomes to much. Nothing and no one should drive someone to suicide, or bully them. Everyone is unique in there own way, getting mad because you don’t look like someone shouldn’t happen. Everyone is great the way they are.


    David Schwartz, writer of ''Jason London Arrested: 'Dazed and Confused' Actor Charged With Assault Over Bar Room Fight''. This expository article tells us about a actor who was charged with assault and disorderly conduct during a bar fight.
    London tweeted '' Some guy thought I was hitting on his girl and had me jumped.'' London claims he was accused of hitting on someones girlfriend however police stated ''London was at Martini Ranch Bar in the Phoenix Suburb of Scottsdale on Sunday when an unidentified person complained London had sneezed on him and that person asked him to apologize.'' however the article never tell us what really true.
    London stated, ''I would never do or say what they are reporting, Have faith in me, the truth will come out and you will see.'' Jason tweets and says that he would not do what people are saying and is pretty much saying its false. If he is found guilty, he should just except that. however if its not he should keep fighting for the truth. They have been say it all for some reason,  many its true or many its just for publicity.
     In the report responding officers stated ''London showed obvious signs and symptoms of extreme alcohol impairment.'' London was so wasted he ''became belligerent and started cursing'' at paramedics that were trying to help him. Seated in the patrol car, one officer saw him '' lean to the left and defecate in his pants'' that was after London complained about the smell in the car. It seems he was to drunk to do anything. so how would he know if he did those things of not.
     The connections outside the text would be to everyone. This article shows that if you drink nothing good ever comes out of it. If you cant drink responsibly then you shouldn't do it all. It doesn't help you or anyone around you.
     Drinking is not only bad for your health but also for the people around you. Bad things can happen when your drunk and can be very bad for your life. Drinking can also make people believe that you are not a good person.