Monday, December 17, 2012

book review

      Becca Fitzpatrick's Crescendo touched me with all its love, and its unexpected moments. The main characters in the book are Patch and Nora. Crescendo is the sequel to Becca's first book Hush Hush. "Patch was standing behind me, his hands on my hips, his body relaxed." This quote refers to Patch having his hands on Nora.
     This book is definitely a romantic mystery that keeps you on the edge of your seat. They share love, regret, and heartache, but they still find there way back to each other. Nora is the girl main character of this book. She is someone I see myself in, shes crazy, funny, caring, sweet but most of all shes stubborn. In the book she builds up a wall against alot of people because her father is deseced. Which brings us to Patch, he is mysterious, charming, kind, but just plain different. He doesn't say much but they love each other very much no matter how different they really are. Can anything keep them apart.
       This book is awesome that  i think alot of people would love to read. This book shows alot of love between two people and thats what made me love this book so much.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Current Connections #2

         Batesville Daily Guard, the newspaper of Batesville, informs us about Pancake Day Set, which is Kiwanis Club will be holding the forty second annual Chubby Menard Pancake Day. In the forty one years that it has been going on, they have served over 100,000 pancakes. I can connect with this article because I think keeping tradition going is very unique.
         Larry Price, president of Kiwanis Club, puts out a sign for the Chubby Menard Pancake Day. Taking time out to keep a tradition going is a good way to help children to keep traditions going. Everybody loves pancakes!! And this experience would be really swell for families to attend. In conclusion, I hope that everyone attends and enjoys Kiwanis Clubs' Chubby Menard Pancake Day.

book Review

        Simone Elkeles' Chain Reaction  mesmerized me with all its love and emotions. ''Yeah " she says, kissing me. "Yeah, it does. You once told me that I make you believe in the impossible, you make me believe in love, which I had given up on. Thank you for proving to me it's not just a fairytale.'' That is my favorite quote from Chain Reaction, shared between main characters Luis and Nikki. This book touched me and it is now my favorite book.
         This book is definitely a romantic comedy. the romance between the two main characters is amazing. They feel pain, regret, and love. And they still keep going on. I love the way this book is written. Each character has their own chapter. The characters in this book are very like able. Nikki is the female main character of the book. She is a bit sweet but has an edge to her. In the book, Chain Reaction, Nikki is asked to dance by the main male character Luis. And she knees him really hard. Luis is sweet but wild, in Chain Reaction Luis climbs a cliff and gets bitten by a snake and falls off of the cliff.I really liked the two main characters, I can relate to the book, because I fell for a guy that I never thought was possible which is the same thing that happened between Nikki and Luis.
        This book is definitely an amazing book that I think would be great for everyone to read. This book shows love and compassion in amazing ways. Reading this book was a great experience. I really hope I get a chance to read the rest of the series and I hope everyone else does too!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Current connections ''Compassionte Friends Remember Their Loved Ones''

  Andrea Bruner, a writer for the Batesville Daily Guard, informs us about ''Compassionte Friends Remember Their Loved Ones'' which is a tribute to all the loved ones that have been lost, but never forgotten. Carol and Henry Lankford, two people that have lost a son, released balloons for their son Mitch who they lost April of this year. I have been through the pain of losing a loved one, so connecting with this article for me, was very easy. A mother that lost two, Jenny Johnson, holds two balloons, a red one for Symphony Jewel that was due May of last year. Also a green balloon for her brother Nathan John, who was a stillborn and passed away February eighth of this year. Losing a loved one can be very are to take and taking a moment out to remember the is a very nice way to say the loved ones that we have lost, will never be forgotten in our hearts.

Monday, September 10, 2012

bucket list

Below are ten books that were on my bucket list that i  would love to read throughout this school year.

1. Chain Reaction-by Simone Elkeles: My older sister Amber started reading 'Chain Reaction' her senior year of high school. She had told me it was the best book that she had ever read. She told me it was the first book that she had read in along time that she could not put down, that I had to read it. So I decide that this year I will try and read it.

2. Leaving Paradise-by Simone Elkeles: My mom read 'Leaving Paradise' two years ago and said it was a fantastic read. When my mom found out that my older sister Amber had read 'Chain Reaction' she told her over and over again that she needed to read 'Leaving paradise'. So finally my sister decided to read leaving paradise, and she told me that it was a great book and that I needed to read them.

3. Return To Paradise- by Simone Elkeles: 'Return to Paradise' is the next book after 'Leaving Paradise' and alot of people have said it is a very good book. My mom has also read this book along with some of my teachers and my sister Amber, so this series are some books I would love to read this year.

4. 13 Reasons Why-by Jay Asher: My English teacher Mrs. Gilmore showed all of the students in our class this book, and she said it was a really good book. From personal experience of losing a loved one to suicide I thought that this would be a good book and I hope throughout this school year I get to read this book.

5. To Kill a Mockingbird: by Harper Lee: In middle school alot of students got a chance to read this book, as a class. And I had heard from alot of people that everyone needs to read this book. Most students and teachers have told me that they had read this book and loved it. So i want a chance to read this book this year or over summer.

6. The Princess Bride-by William Golding: I haven't heard alot on this book, however I have read another book written my William Golding and it was a wonderful book. I usually don't read alot of books that I haven't heard alot about but since I loved the book I read by him before, I thought I would give it a try.

7. Chasing Red Bird-by Sherron Chreech: My friend Rachel just finished this book and she told me and a group of people that it was a great book. She said everybody should give this book a try so I want to take there advise and try it.

8. Perfect Chemistry-by Simone Elkeles:  This is the next book after 'Chain Reaction' and my family has also read this book. I hope I get a chance to read this book and the rest of her books because they seem like great books that I would love to read and share my experience with other friends and people that I know.

9. Heart Beat-by Sherron Chreech: I have not yet read a book from this author, however I have heard wonderful things about her books, so id like to read them. They are not the first books I want to read on my bucket list, but they are books that I hope to read by the end of the year.

10. Crank-by Ellen Hopkins: Crank is part of a series that I have not read yet, but I would love to. I have heard nothing but good about this book. And i would love more then anything to get a chance to read this book.

9/11, the rebirth of our country

Rebuilding the new world trade center, the architects used patriotism in rebuilding the trade center. The architects made the building one thousand seven hundred and seventy- six feet high, which represented the year of our Country's Independence. Using patriotism in building the new world trade centershowed that we care about our country and that we have freedom. We are sending a messege that no matter how hard you try, our flag will remain standing.